TJ’s is proud to be an Independent Trane Dealer.
Trane offers a broad range of energy-efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; dehumidifying and air cleaning products; service and parts support; advanced building controls and financing solutions.
- Air Conditioners
- Heat Pumps
- Air Cleaners
- Controls and Thermostats
- Furnaces and Coils
- Air Handlers
- EarthWise Hybrids
- Packaged Units
- Geothermal
Featured Products
Trane CleanEffects Clean Air System
Trane has always been an industry leader in home comfort. Now, they’re setting a new standard for clean indoor air with the revolutionary Trane CleanEffects™ air filtration system.
Trane CleanEffects utilizes patented, breakthrough air cleaning technology to remove up to an astounding 99.98% of airborne allergens from the air that passes through the filter, making it 8 times more effective than even the best HEPA room filters and up to 100 times more effective than a standard 1″ filter. What’s more, Trane CleanEffects has been performance-tested by LMS Technologies and Environmental Health &Engineering, Inc. (EH&E), with the results verified by professors from the Harvard School of Public Health, so you know you’re getting an air filtration system like no other.
Product Features
- Removal of up to 99.98% of particles and allergens from your filtered indoor air. It removes particles as small as .1 microns – 1/1,000th the diameter of a human hair – a size that eludes most air cleaners. READ MORE
- An industry-leading clean air delivery rate of 1,200.
- Low operating costs, with no replacement filters to buy.
- Cleaning indicators easily visible on the outside of the unit.
- Easy to clean filters—just vacuum or rinse once every 3 to 9 months (depending on usage).
- Easy installation.
- Quiet operation
- Trane CleanEffects was designed to fall well below the 50 parts per billion (ppb) FDA voluntary emission limit for medical devices. Trane CleanEffects contributes a negligible amount of ozone – less than .3 ppb to the living space.
To put this into perspective further, typical ozone levels during the summer outdoors are at about 60 to 90 ppb, and indoor levels can vary greatly but are typically between 12 ppb to more than 80 ppb. Testing of Trane Clean Effects by third parties has shown there’s no more ozone in a home installed with Trane CleanEffects than naturally occurs in the environment already
- Trane CleanEffects is the industry benchmark supported and verified by third parties who make it their business to know about clean air. Experts from LMS Technologies, EH&E, Harvard School of Public Health and other major university research shows Trane CleanEffects to be the best air filtration system on the market.
- Low pressure drop.
Trane Hyperion Air Handler
Trane has incorporated innovations in design that you won’t find anywhere else.
- Air-Tite II Cabinet
- Fully Enclosed Insulation
- All-Aluminum Coil
- Variable-Speed Motor with Comfort-R Technology
- Vortica Blower
- Modular Design
- Control Board Pocket
- Electronic Expansion Valve Metering Device
- Quick Turn Fasteners
- “No Leak” Drain Pan
- Heating Options
- Corrosion Resistant Finish
When coupled with a high-SEER XLi condenser the benefits only increase. READ MORE…
Call (508-226-5514) or email us today to schedule service or to discuss installation of a new Trane System.
Latest Press Releases
February 9, 2023
NEW – Mass Save Loan Amounts up to $50,000!
Mass Save Loans are now up to $50,000 !
The Mass Save® HEAT Loan offers zero interest financing opportunities up to $50,000* total for energy-efficient home upgrades. That includes up to... Continue