February 3, 2012 Cool Smart Program Changes for 2012

Proper Unit Sizing

Beginning January 1, 2012, all Cool Smart rebate applications for Central AC and heat pumps must be accompanied by a Manual J Load Calculation, documenting that the unit was properly sized for the home and its occupants. The use of Manual J load calculations is a requirement of the building code in both MA and RI. To ensure that the customer qualifies for a Cool Smart rebate, the contractor must:

  • use only an ACCA-approved software package, for Manual J Version 8
  • use the nearest weather city data for proper design temperatures (DT)
  • comply with ACCA Manual S sizing at the proper Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) for our region
  • submit the Manual J Project Summary page showing proper DT and SHR, and Project Information including number of occupants
  • size the installed AC equipment to within the nearest half ton of the Manual J load at proper DT and SHR, or the Manual S recommended size.

TJ’s Standard Practice

TJ’s is proud to have been using Manual J heat load calculations right along to properly size all of our systems, for heating and cooling.  Our customers have never had to worry about whether their system was over-sized or under-sized.  We never did this just to comply with rebate requirements.  We did it because it is the right thing to do to ensure every customer’s comfort with an appropriately sized system.