June 4, 2012 TJ’s is a Mass Save COOL SMART Contractor

What Does it Mean that TJ’s is a Mass Save COOL SMART Contractor?

Well, Mass Save® is an initiative sponsored by Massachusetts’ gas and electric utilities and energy efficiency service providers who work closely with the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to provide a wide range of services, incentives, trainings, and information promoting energy efficiency that help residents and businesses manage energy use and related costs. Being a Mass Save Cool Smart Contractor means that we can provide you with equipment, services and information to help you cool your home or business efficiently, saving resources and saving you money.

What makes us a Mass Save COOL SMART Contractor?

We have the tools and training to be able to test your current cooling system and maximize its efficiency. Not all cooling contractors have these tools and training so although they may be able to fix your system they may not be able to test to make sure it is running at peak efficiency. In addition we only sell and install energy star rated air conditioning systems to our customers.

What tools do we offer as a Mass Save  COOL SMART  Contractor?

  • Proper Duct Testing Equipment: The energy efficiency of your central air conditioning system relies heavily on the proper functioning of your duct work. If your ducts are leaking or if you don’t have the proper air flow in your home your system will have to work harder to cool which will cost your money in higher utility bills. In addition harder working systems can cost you more in maintenance costs and the useful life of your system can be negatively impacted.
  • QIV Testing (Quality Installation Testing): QIV testing lets us confirm your system is working at its most efficient capability. But it isn’t just our word on the matter; it is confirmed by a third party. When we perform QIV testing we measure a number of parameters and then, while we are at your home, we contact Mass Save and tell them the readings. They will cross check those reading against the manufacturer specification and let us know if your system is running in its max efficiency range. We can make recommendations if your system does not meet the QIV score.
  • Access to Special Rebates and Incentives: As a Mass Save Cool Smart Contractor we have access to special incentives and rebates that can help you upgrade your current cooling system to an energy efficient model making it easier for you to lower your energy use and save money.